Our trAndeS Spring School was held at the PUCP in Lima, Peru from October 29 to November 2, 2018.
With a trAndeS scholarship, 30 doctoral and postdoctoral scholars arrived in Lima to present and discuss their projects during the week with researchers from PUCP, FU Berlin and the other invited institutions.
In total, more than seventy researchers from 14 countries and 32 institutions participated in the event. There were representatives from universities in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Spain and Venezuela. In addition, experts from international and national (Peruvian) organizations such as CEPAL, GIZ, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Instituto Montaña, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, UNESCO, USAID and the Ministry of the Environment of Peru also participated.
The projects were presented in four thematic roundtables:
1. Local knowledge and know-how in natural resource management
2. Public institutions and sub-national politics
3. Tourism and heritage
4. Agro-industry and sustainable development
The full programme can be reviewed here.