Manuel Prieto
Universidad Católica del Norte
Instituto de Arqueología y Antropología
Centre for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR)
Geographer and Anthropologist
Universidad Católica del Norte
Le Paige 380, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
2014 Ph.D. Geography (Minor in Anthropology). University of Arizona. Dissertation:Privatizing water and articulating indigeneity: The Chilean water reforms and the Atacameño people (Likan Antai). Committee: Carl Bauer (Chair), Sallie Marston, Paul Robbins, Stephen Lansing.
2007 M.A. in Environmental Studies. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Highest Honors (i.e., summa cum laude).
2005 Lawyer. Supreme Court of Chile.
2003 Licentiate in Juridical and Social Science (i.e., J.D.). Diego Portales Law School. Highest Honors (i.e., summa cum laude).
2014- Full time researcher, Instituto de Arqueología y Antropología (IAA), Universidad Católica del Norte (starting in Dec 2017 as assistant or associate professor).
2017- Associated Researcher, Centre for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR).
2014-16 Adjunct Researcher, Centre for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR).
2008-14 Adjunct Researcher. Environmental Law & Policy Program, Diego Portales Law School.
2006-08 Lecturer. Diego Portales Law School.
2006-08 Lecturer. Institute of Urban Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2006-08 Research Assistant. Institute of Urban Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2004 Research Assistant. Environmental Law & Policy, Diego Portales Law School.
1998-00 Research Assistant. Diego Portales Law School, Universidad Diego Portales.
1998 Teaching Assistant. Diego Portales Law School, Universidad Diego Portales.
2016 Signed book contract with Routledge to edit The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development with Julie Cupples and Marcela Palomino-Schalscha. Book ready: September 2018.
2015 Bustos, B., Prieto, M., & Barton, J. (Eds). Ecología Política en Chile. Naturaleza, Propiedad, Conocimiento y Poder. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria. (2nd edition scheduled for release in winter 2017).
Articles in Refereed Journals
2017 Prieto, M. The irrigation system that market doesn’t want to see: the history of the water’s dispossesion in the communities of Lasana and Chiu-Chiu (Atacama Desert, Chile). Forthcoming in Journal of Latin American Geography.
2016 Prieto. M. Practicing costumbres and the decommodification of nature: The Chilean water markets and the Atacameño people. Geoforum, (77), 28-39.
2016 Prieto. M. Transando el agua, produciendo territorios e identidades indígenas: el modelo de aguas chileno y los Atacameños de Calama. Revista de Estudios Sociales (55), 88-103
2016 Prieto. M. Bringing water markets down to Chile's Atacama Desert. Water International, 41(2), 191-212.
2015 Prieto, M. Privatizing Water in the Chilean Andes: The Case of las Vegas de Chiu-Chiu. Mountain Research and Development, 35(3), 220-229.
2014 Prieto, M & Ayán, X. Although The Loneliness is Great, Greater Yet is the Love of my Country”: Archaeology of a Military Outpost on the Topaín Hillock (Antofagasta Region, Chile). Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 1(2), 323-350.
2012 Prieto, M., & Bauer, C. Hydroelectric power generation in Chile: an institutional critique of the neutrality of market mechanisms. Water International 37(2), 131-146.
2012 Prieto, M. (2012). Una invitación al pluralismo legal. Revista de Derecho, XXV(1), 25-45.
2011 Tecklin, D., Bauer, C., & Prieto, M. Making environmental law for the market: the emergence, character, and implications of Chile's environmental regime. Environmental Politics, 20(6), 879-898.
Book Chapters
2015 Bustos, B., Prieto, M., & Barton, J. Ecología Política en Chile. Naturaleza, Propiedad, Conocimiento y Poder in Bustos, B., Prieto, M., & Barton, J. (Eds.) Ecología Política en Chile. Naturaleza, Propiedad, Conocimiento y Poder. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria. 15-59.
2015 Prieto, M. La Ecología (a)Política del Modelo de Aguas Chileno in Bustos, B., Prieto, M., & Barton, J. (Eds.) Ecología Política en Chile. Naturaleza, Propiedad, Conocimiento y Poder. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria. 143-164.
2014 Prieto, M., & Bauer, C. Hydroelectric power generation in Chile: an institutional critique of the neutrality of market mechanisms, in Scott, C.A., B. de Gouvello (Eds.) The future of public water governance: Has water privatization peaked?, London, Routledge. 47-61.
2007 Barton, J., Reyes, F., Galilea, S., Álamos, P., y M. Prieto. El nuevo diseño de la institucionalidad ambiental en Camino al Bicentenario, en Propuestas para Chile. Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 137-178.
2007 Prieto, M. Subvaloración institucional de las cuencas patagónicas” en Orrego, J.P y P. Rodrigo (Eds), Patagonia Chilena Sin Represas. Santiago, Ocho libros. 72-73.
Book Reviews
2016 Prieto, M. M. Borg Rasmussen, Andean Waterways: Resource Politics in Highland Peru. Journal of Anthropological Research 72(3), 374-375.
2015 Prieto, M. F. Sultana and A. Loftus, (eds). The right to water: politics, governance, and social struggles. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 36(1), 136-137.
2010 Prieto, M. Arturo Escobar. Territories of difference: place, movements, life, redes. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande (47), 159-162.
Other Publications
2016 Prieto, M. Los paisajes explosivos del desierto de Atacama. In
Papers under revision
- Bustos, B., Délano, J., and Prieto, M., Chilote tipo salmón”- relaciones entre comodificación de la naturaleza y procesos de producción identitaria, el caso de la Región de Los Lagos y la industria salmonera.