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The trAndeS research program analyzes the relationships between sustainable development and social inequalities in the Andean region.

Its starting point is to acknowledge the close ties between sustainable development and social inequalities in the Andean region that present challenges for advancing toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The reduction of inequality is a goal in itself (SDG 10), however inequality is not narrowed down further to differences in income or lack of political participation. Instead, inequality encompasses several dimensions that transversally include a large part of the SDG (for example, poverty, hunger, gender equality, access to sustainable energies, education, work, water, etc.).

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that inequalities in a country are not only the result of political or historical contingencies within a country or region, they are also often a product of global interdependencies. Thus, the trAndeS research program considers global factors and their influence in the possibilities for implementing the SDG. The central question that directs the research in the trAndeS program is:

Which factors influence the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin American societies, marked by multiple and interdependent inequalities?

We will answer this question through these three themes: